Identity theft and banking security should be on the top of every traveller's priority list - Interview with the Toronto Sun

With more and more borders opening up everywhere, travelling is getting back to its pre-pandemic numbers. People are catching up on everything from business trips to family reunions, not to mention missed or postponed vacations. We’re talking a jam-packed summer, especially when research reveals more than 900,000 Canadians are currently travelling abroad right now.

So you know airports are ripe for the pickings – even on a slow day you’ll find them crammed with humanity. What does a traveller do to while away the time? Many can be seen pulling out their phones or laptops.

Which is exactly what faceless yet deadly cyber-criminals are gleefully waiting for – the perfect moment to pounce and steal everything you think is safe in your system – especially your banking.

You as a traveller are more vulnerable than you think, say the experts.

Something to consider when you start downloading free apps, or accessing free wireless networks. “Access to free Wi-Fi is something we all look for when travelling,” says Caval Olson-Lepage, advisory team lead for wealth at Affinity Wealth Management. Using this free service “to log into your financial accounts … you are most at risk on public Wi-Fi networks,” adds Olson-Lepage in an email to Sun Media, offering timely tips such as setting up a virtual private network (VPN) program “before you travel to ensure you are keeping your sensitive information secure.”

Read the full article here

Caval Olson-Lepage